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Page 6

  Nathaniel snapped his finger and pointed at Damien. “So do you feel any differently now that you’ve finally become a man?” Nathaniel crossed his arms, waiting for Damien to connect the dots.

  Damien’s stomach plummeted. “You bastard! You fucking tricked me into becoming a Fallen Angel?” He balled his fists and stepped forward, ready for a fight. “You…used me!”

  A glimmer appeared in Nathaniel’s eyes. “Nothing personal. You were going to take me back Home and I couldn’t allow you to interfere with my mission.”

  “Your mission is complete,” Damien said through gritted teeth.

  “Maybe I have a mission of my own,” Nathaniel replied cryptically.

  Damien stepped closer to Nathaniel, raising his fists into the air. Nathaniel shielded himself, sure that Damien was going to beat the crap out of him for what he’d done. But the exact opposite happened. Damien growled in frustration. He then kissed Nathaniel on the lips. When they parted, Nathaniel was stunned.

  “Thanks for the hook-up,” Damien said as he jumped into the air, his wings carrying him higher and higher. “I’ll see you around.”

  Nathaniel watched Damien fly away. After making sure the young angel was out of sight, he pivoted and started walking through the woods. He only hoped he wasn’t too late to rescue Blaine.


  Agent Jagger peered through the leaves and felt a bit guilty over what he was seeing. A young, spiky redhead was riding the target like he was in a porno movie. Suddenly there was a bright light that lit up the forest like the sun was still out. The angels were lying together, and then the young one yelled and left the older angel alone.

  He smirked. This was the perfect time for him to act. He started making his way to the other side of the woods, ensuring he wouldn’t be detected. His feet and training did all the work—he was finally at the other side and would have no problem intercepting the target.

  He crouched down, letting the leaves and foliage provide cover for him. Soon he heard several footsteps approaching, grass crunching underneath naked feet. And now he smelled the scent of sex and sweat. Jackpot. He went into action mode and threw himself into the fray, revealing himself in front of Nathaniel.

  Nathaniel jumped back, surprised. “You scared the shit out of me.”

  Agent Jagger knew better than to listen to anything the target said. Instincts took over and he raised his gun at the angel. “You are under arrest for trespassing into Eden. You can make it easy on yourself and come along quietly, or we can do it the hard way.”

  Nathaniel was surprised at Agent Jagger’s sudden betrayal. But then he realized that if he went along quietly with Agent Jagger, then Agent Jagger would probably take him to Prince Cody, which would lead him directly to Blaine. This couldn’t have gone better if he planned it himself. He raised his hands and put them behind his head. “All right. I’ll go with you.”

  Agent Jagger smirked as he handcuffed the angel’s hands behind his head. This case was a lot easier than some of his other cases on Earth. He grabbed the angel’s hands to make sure he wouldn’t try anything crazy and used his free hand to point the gun at the angel’s back. “It’s a few miles down this way,” he explained as he forced Nathaniel to walk with him. “We should be there in a couple of hours, tops.”

  Nathaniel sneered. That’s exactly what he’d been hoping for.


  Blaine and Prince Cody finished their meal. Prince Cody took a napkin and dabbed his mouth a few times. He pushed the plate away from him. “That was good.”

  Blaine nodded. “It was amazing,” he agreed. He looked at Prince Cody and couldn’t believe his luck. There was a drop-dead gorgeous man in front of him, and out of all the people in the world, Prince Cody had chosen him—even if Prince Cody was objectifying him by making him wear this skintight non-outfit. Blaine crossed his arms and rubbed his elbows, shivers spreading through his body. “Brrr,” he exclaimed.

  Prince Cody gazed at the night sky. “I guess it is a little chilly, isn’t it?” he said, voice a bit empty. Prince Cody rose from his seat and walked over to Blaine. He grabbed Blaine by the arms, forcing the other man to be eye level. He wrapped his large arm around his tribute’s back. He looked into Blaine’s eyes, and, he had to admit, he found himself getting lost in those crystal-clear blue eyes. “How’s that?”

  Blaine’s skin was ablaze with passion. The fabric was so thin, he might as well have been naked. Blaine squinted as he returned Price Cody’s gaze. He wondered, if he searched hard enough, if he could catch any reflection in the blood-red sea of Prince Cody’s eyes. But no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t see anything. It was like Prince Cody’s pupils had erected a protective red layer that prevented anyone from seeing into the windows of his soul.

  “Better,” he muttered.

  Prince Cody scrunched his face. He knew when someone wasn’t being completely honest with him. “Come on, what’s bothering you?”

  There were so many things. Though Blaine enjoyed that Prince Cody had picked him out of all the humans to be his tribute, he knew next to nothing about the Prince, other than he had amazing chefs who worked for him. “You obviously know everything about me, but I know next to nothing about you.” He looked down at his outfit. “You obviously have… plans… for me. I’d just like to know something about the man I’m going to have torrid sex with.”

  Prince Cody’s mind raced. How could Blaine think that he knew everything about him? Did Blaine think that just because he was chosen as a tribute that he’d gotten some kind of dossier on him?

  “Really? Torrid?” Prince Cody hoped to keep the mood light between them. He took a deep breath before speaking. “Okay,” he acquiesced. “I’m a Blood Prince. My father is the Demon King of this realm.” He looked at Blaine to make sure his eyes weren’t glazing over. “Long story short, there’s some sort of war going on between humans and the Vargr world and every five years a tribute is offered to help keep the peace.”

  “And I’m the tribute,” Blaine said, his role in all of this getting clearer. “Wait, did you say your father was a Demon King?”

  “The Demon King,” Prince Cody corrected.

  Blaine held his hands up defensively. “Sorry, the Demon King.” A wry smile crept to his lips. “Don’t want to show any disrespect and suddenly become a torture victim or something.”

  Prince Cody sighed, depression clouding his exquisite face. “Not all of us are like that!” He said a little too quickly and a little too defensively. He closed his mouth tight and chastised himself for revealing too much about himself too soon.

  That struck a chord in Blaine. He took a few tentative steps closer to his Blood Prince. “Then what are you like? Are you… half-demon too?”

  Prince Cody’s normally bright red eyes dulled. He turned his back towards Blaine. He didn’t know the tribute well enough yet to allow him to see him in such an emotional state. “All demon, actually. My human form is a glamour.”

  Blaine knew Prince Cody wasn’t telling him the full story. The normally cocky Prince suddenly got way too depressed, like he was shutting down and cutting Blaine off emotionally. It reminded him of the way he used to act around his family when they were alive. The chord that struck him earlier grew to a chorus. “You want nothing to do with your father, don’t you?”

  Prince Cody’s eyes flared up. He whipped around and grabbed Blaine’s arm. “How’d you know that? You’re not one of them, are you?” Prince Cody hoped not: it would be such a pity to have to choose a new tribute.

  Blaine winced as Prince Cody’s strong hand gripped his bicep. He looked down at the large hand. He must’ve been imagining all the veins popping up in Prince Cody’s arm. “Must be that demon strength of yours,” he joked.

  A twinge rocked Prince Cody’s heart. He withdrew his hand and immediately regretted his actions. “I’m sorry.” He spat the apology out as if it hurt him. “This is going all wrong,” he said, a hint of emptiness in his
voice. “You weren’t supposed to get to know me yet.”

  “Anonymous sex, huh?” Blaine winked. “I didn’t figure you for the hookup type. I figured you for a one-tribute kinda man.” Blaine shook his head and placed his hands on Prince Cody’s shoulders. “Look, I’m sorry I struck a nerve with your family. I didn’t get along with my family, either. When I heard the way you were talking earlier, I could relate to you. You want nothing to do with your family and I want nothing to do with mine, which, you know, is kinda easy since they’re dead.”

  “If only my father were dead,” Prince Cody whispered through gritted teeth. That admission surprised him. He’d wished his father never existed several times, but wishing death on his father? That was something new. And that was something his other four brothers would definitely not tolerate. “But for now I’ll have to settle for toeing the line just enough to get my tribute.”

  The anger on Prince Cody’s face dissolved to an emotion Blaine couldn’t recognize. Admiration? Love? Satisfaction? “Hey, I know the feeling all too well, my man. Do you know how often I just did the bare minimum with my family to get by?”

  Prince Cody’s heart pumped warmth to the rest of his body. No one had ever related to him on this level before. Ever. “And you don’t care that I’m half demon?”

  “You could be half sheep and I’d still have sex with you.” Blaine winced. “Um, but just pretend I said something else, okay?” Blaine placed a thoughtful hand under his chin. “Your demon side isn’t all slimy or gross, is it?”

  Prince Cody’s lips spread to a grin. “Let’s just say you would be very pleased with my demon form. My human physiology is based on my demon form.”

  “And I am so digging your physiology.” Blaine wrapped Prince Cody in a big hug. After a brief, uncomfortable hesitation, Prince Cody hugged Blaine back. “So as a tribute, my job is to basically have sex with you, right?”

  “Right,” Prince Cody confirmed.

  Blaine winked. “So do you think we could get started? I want to earn my keep around here.”

  Prince Cody grinned.


  Damien stopped flying and skidded to a halt. He had never been so angry in his entire life. He’d lost his virginity—to Nathaniel of all people!—and just the mere act of sex was enough for him to transform into a Fallen Angel. Now he was no longer a part of his Father’s army and he could no longer go Home. He was doomed to wander Earth or the Vargr realm due to his sinful choices till the end of time.

  Well, fuck that!

  Just like in the Vargr realm, there were quite a few angels who weren’t too pleased with the establishment’s rules. They felt that those in charge were too stuck in their old ways--that there rules could stand to do some updating. Like the sex rule, for instance. Several of the angels believed that they could engage in their carnal desires and still serve Him proudly. And who were the elders to speak for Him anyway? Did anyone really believe that Father had a direct line to them, and that they were relaying His message properly?

  Damien descended towards the ground and got on his knees. He clasped his hands together, bowed his head, closed his eyes. His mouth moved, but no sound escaped his lips. To an outside observer, it looked like Damien was just holding his hands and staring at the ground. But to another angel, the scene would appear very different. They would recognize Damien’s actions for what they were.

  They would realize that Damien was praying.

  Soon Damien rose from his knees, satisfied with his prayer. He could only hope that his words reached their intended audience. Prayer wasn’t the most secure way of communication--anyone who was capable of listening to prayers would be able to hear his words. But Damien couldn’t worry about that now.

  All that was on his mind right now was revenge.


  Prince Cody guided Blaine to sit on his lap on his throne. Prince Cody looked up at the sky, alight with what seemed like a million stars. Blaine saw that Prince Cody was looking up at something and followed the man’s gaze. His jaw dropped when he saw the skyline of stars. “Wow,” Blaine whistled appreciatively. “That’s some view. I’d never see that back home.”

  “And from where do you hail?” Prince Cody asked, still admiring the starry sky.

  “New York,” Blaine said, somewhat wistfully. “I never thought I’d actually miss New York, but now that I’m not there…” he trailed off. He didn’t want to seem ungrateful for his situation, so he decided to clarify his previous statement. “But Eden is pretty impressive,” he said, nodding. “All the greenery, the stars, no buildings in sight. It really is like I’m in another world.”

  Prince Cody wrapped his arms around Blaine tighter and rested his head on Blaine’s shoulder. “I’m glad you like it here.” He squeezed his tribute tightly. “Knowing that you want to be here, and that you understand what I’m going through…” A smile appeared on Prince Cody’s face that made him all the more attractive to Blaine. “I feel like the bond between us is growing.”

  A small protruding bump in Prince Cody’s groin pressed against Blaine’s bare ass-crack. He looked up at Prince Cody and smiled. “Oh, I thought that was just your hard-on.”

  Prince Cody laughed. “I had the foresight to give you those assless pants. I should’ve had the foresight for my own crotchless garments.” Prince Cody playfully thrust upwards, causing Blaine to bounce in the air a several times.

  Blaine toppled over backward, his back lying and legs lying across the arms of Prince Cody’s throne. The men gazed into each other’s eyes, exchanging an expression of lust and desire. Prince Cody cupped Blaine’s manhood and squeezed tightly.

  Blaine moaned in response and arched himself upward, leaning into the demon prince’s grip. He even thrust his hips forward several times to create the friction his dick desired.

  A guttural growl escaping his lips, Prince Cody leaned downward and smashed his lips against Blaine’s. The entire world stopped to a screeching halt around Prince Cody. The only thing that was in focus was what was right in front of him—Blaine. An overwhelming desire to devour Blaine’s lips surged within him. He kissed Blaine rough a few more times—he didn’t care how Blaine liked to kiss. All that mattered was his tribute’s thick, sensuous lips. After a few more kisses, Prince Cody’s desires were satisfied, so he kissed Blaine one more time, and, before parting their lips, he bit his tribute’s lower lip.

  Fuck! Blaine had never experienced anything like this before! That last bite made him want more. As he leaned forward, he let out a distraught whimper as he realized that Prince Cody was no longer kissing him. Instead, Prince Cody’s fingers were grazing his waist as the demon prince pulled down his skintight pants. Blaine’s cock sprang forward. “If your lips are as good on my cock as they were on my lips, I’m in for a treat.”

  Prince Cody’s eyes flared a shade brighter. “You have no idea,” he said, grinning, as he lowered his head over Blaine’s shaft. As his lips made contact with Blaine’s skin, Prince Cody savored every moment, every scent, and every flavor. Blaine’s shaft was extra salty and reminded him of a margarita drink, and, a citrusy aroma—cologne, maybe?— assaulted his nostrils as his mouth approached the base of Blaine’s cock. He still couldn’t believe that after all these years of ruling Eden that he was finally exploring every inch of his tribute.

  Prince Cody looked up at Blaine to see how his tribute was enjoying the sex. When he saw that Blaine’s head was titled back and that his eyes were about to disappear into his eyelids, he couldn’t help but grin as he continued sucking the younger man’s cock. In fact, he got a new idea to stimulate arousal further. He used saliva as lube and made sure to slick up Blaine as much as he could. Then, he used the friction to his advantage and continued sucking. He used his free hand to pinch Blaine’s nipple through his shirt, twisting and kneading in every direction.

  “Fuu-uck!” Blaine gasped, stretching the word out into multiple syllables. He briefly wondered if Prince Cody was half sex dem
on, his skills were that damn good. None of the other tricks he’d rolled around in the hay in—even Nathaniel, if that counted as a trick—were half as good.

  Prince Cody removed himself from Blaine’s crotch and positioned the man so he could remove his shirt. “Stand up,” he commanded.

  Blaine’s haze of arousal was abruptly broken, snapping him back to Earth. Not wanting to disappoint or anger his companion—his master?—he stood up. He looked at Prince Cody, who was leering at him, ogling over every body part. Instead of feeling like a piece of meat or feeling embarrassed, it actually empowered him. He stood tall and proud, waiting for his next order. He almost saluted, but felt that might be too over the top. He raised his eyebrows, as if to say, ‘Well? I’m ready.’

  As if the bond between them was telepathic, Prince Cody smirked. He raised a finger and twirled it around in a circle. “Spin around,” he commanded.

  Blaine spun around so his backside was facing Prince Cody. Feeling the demon prince’s eyes on his ass, he wiggled it back and forth playfully. He hoped Prince Cody would find it endearing. Hearing Prince Cody guffaw loudly, a small smirk appeared across his lips.

  If this was what it was like to be a tribute, then maybe being a tribute wouldn’t be so bad after all.


  Agent Jagger continued walking behind the Target, holding a firm grip over the angel’s handcuffed hands, with his gun pressed firmly into the angel’s back. He had to make sure not to look down at the naked angel. Even though Nathaniel wasn’t his type, having someone naked and helpless in front of him was getting him hard. Fast.

  Nathaniel’s muscles tightened. Agent Jagger betrayed himself and looked down at the angel’s ass, which also seemed to clench. Agent Jagger bit the inside of his lip, using every ounce of willpower he had to resist his sexual urges. “C-can we rest a minute?” Nathaniel panted. “I don’t think I can keep walking at this pace.”