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  His mouth twisted devilishly, hoping he wouldn’t have to wait for his new plaything much longer.


  Blaine was on sensory overload. Everything was swirling around him, his insides were doing backflips, there was a loud ringing in his ears, and his brain was liquefying to mush. And all of it was happening at once. Just as he was sure his body was about to implode, he fell on all fours onto green, wet grass.

  He stayed on all fours for several minutes, his breath heaving until it returned to normal. It took him a few minutes to realize that his arms were bare. The surrounding trees swayed in the wind, causing goosebumps on Blaine’s skin. It was then that he realized he was completely naked.

  He was about to stand up when a whistling catcall caught his attention. He snapped his neck upward, his jaw dropping as he laid eyes on the source of the sound. Looming before him was man with styled brown hair and blood-red eyes. He was dressed entirely in a one-piece black spandex outfit that clung tightly to his body, exposing all of the man’s muscles. Blaine’s gaze was fixated on the man’s bare arms, which were well conditioned beyond any man he’d ever been with.

  The gorgeous man before him smiled, leering at him appreciatively. He reached down and cupped Blaine’s chin. “My, aren’t you a beauty?” His grin grew wider. “And in just the right position, too.” As Blaine’s features transformed to an expression of confusion, the stranger belted out a laugh. “So cute too.”

  Blaine’s heart sped up. Wait, did he just say that he was cute? Was this stranger like him, too? He relaxed, suddenly much more at ease knowing he had a potential friend nearby. “Th-thanks?” he stammered.

  Prince Cody placed his hands on Blaine’s shoulders, and a shudder ran down Blaine’s spine. Prince Cody helped Blaine to a standing position so the ogling could continue. Prince Cody’s red eyes scanned The Chosen One’s naked, glistening chest. The younger man’s skin rippled as he breathed in and out, his scrumptious pecs and marvelous abs rising and falling with each breath. Thanks to the cool night air, Blaine’s nipples were pert, standing at attention. His plaything’s cock was breathtaking, currently half hard. “Yes, you will do nicely,” he grunted, lust building within him.

  When his cock started to get hard, Blaine’s eyes suddenly widened as he remembered something. “Nathaniel!” he shouted and darted his head back and forth, searching for the angel he’d grown so fond of. “He took me through that… whatever that was. He should be here,” he said, his voice falling with longing and remorse.

  “Nathaniel?” Prince Cody questioned aloud, racking his brain. A brief flash of annoyance crossed Prince Cody’s features. “Oh, right—the angel.” He sighed exasperatedly, as if having to explain this to Blaine was beneath him. “He’s around here somewhere. He’ll show up eventually,” he said, shrugging. “Now let’s get you settled in.”

  Prince Cody gripped Blaine’s bicep and led him farther into the woods. A brief tingle went coursing through his veins at the other man’s touch, and every single one of his senses was ringing loudly, most likely warning him of traipsing off into the woods with this stranger. But he had to admit, the stranger was quite attractive—and if he were really gay like him, he couldn’t be so bad—right?


  Nathaniel spiraled towards the ground. The Blood Gate had dumped him in the sky, just above the trees, and he didn’t have time to command his wings to appear. So here he was, crash landing into the treetops, leaves and branches slashing his skin as he continued plummeting toward the ground. His body slammed into the grass with a sickening thud. Nathaniel paused for a few minutes, letting the pain seep into his bones before bracing himself to get up. Aching everywhere, he slowly rose to all fours.

  Someone nearby cleared his throat. Nathaniel glanced over his shoulder and saw one of Prince Cody’s servants staring at him. While taking out a servant would normally be no problem for Nathaniel, he hadn’t recovered from his fall yet. He stood, and when he realized the servant was looking slightly downward, rather than at him, he realized he was naked. Must’ve been an aftereffect of passing through the Blood Gate.

  Nathaniel sized up the servant, who was wearing kevlar body armor and a combat helmet. Realizing there was no way he’d be able to take the guard in his current state, he raised both of his hands to show that he was no threat to the guard. Despite himself, his cock hardened and pointed towards the sky too.

  A soft laugh escaped the servant’s mouth. “You never cease to amaze me, angel,” the servant said, a hand approaching his helmet. He pressed a button, and with a hiss, air discharged from the servant’s helmet. He lifted the helmet off his head and held it against his side with his arm.

  Nathaniel’s mouth dropped as he found himself staring at a stocky meathead of a man with stern expression permanently plastered on his face. Despite that, his face was still rather youthful. But the man’s gray goatee and shock-gray hair betrayed his true age. He was both mesmerizing and tempting at the same time. But Nathaniel remembered he was on a mission, and that The Chosen One’s life was in danger as long as he wasn’t around to protect him. Nathaniel placed a hand on his hip. “Agent Jagger, it’s good to see you again. Even if you are on the other side now.”

  Agent Jagger waved his hand through the air, dismissing Nathaniel’s last remark, and smiled wryly. “All part of the mission. The other WRAITH agents wouldn’t touch this assignment with a twelve-inch cock.”

  WRAITH stood for Witness Recovery and Interdimensional Tactical Hunters. Their purpose was to track down those who had trespassed from the Vargr realm into the human realm and ‘neutralize’ any witnesses. Usually that meant the offending Vargr was taken back to the Vargr realm. Sometimes it also meant that humans’ memories were wiped. But this mission was a bit different.

  Agent Jagger was briefed that Blaine Carver was going to be chosen as a tribute for one of the Blood Princes. Tributes were offered up to the Blood Princes every five years as a way to keep peace between the Vargr and the humans. Oftentimes, this meant that the tributes were the Blood Princes’ slaves, in all manners—even sexually. From all of the secondhand reports the government received, it seemed as if the tributes were treated fairly and even lived pretty comfortable lives, but the government didn’t want to rely on secondhand reports: they wanted to find out for sure what life was like for their tributes. So Agent Jagger’s assignment was to infiltrate Prince Cody’s crew, become a part of his team, and report back his findings on how the tribute was being treated. So far he had accomplished the first part of the mission.

  “You humans have an interesting way of phrasing things,” Nathaniel couldn’t help but smirk. “But I am glad that someone’s on my side.”

  A thought crossed Agent Jagger’s face. “Wait—if you’re here, does that mean—?”

  Nathaniel nodded confirmation. “That The Chosen One is here. Yes, it does.”

  “And is ‘The Chosen One’—” Agent Jagger said those last three words as if they were blasphemous, “—aware of his… predicament?”

  Nathaniel’s face scrunched, imagining what Prince Cody was probably doing to Blaine this very minute. “No. But at least this Blood Prince treats his tributes well. The other Blood Princes are wild cards.”

  Agent Jagger’s eyes darted back and forth, making sure no one had seen them. “We probably shouldn’t be seen together,” he muttered nervously. “Prince Cody has only just started trusting me.” He made a mental note to cover his tracks so no one knew where he had slipped away to. “I don’t want to lose that trust.”

  Nathaniel nodded. While he wasn’t part of the WRAITH crew, he knew the importance of protecting others who couldn’t protect themselves. Blaine may have been The Chosen One, and may have had Prince Cody’s protection, but that didn’t mean that he had to be alone or had to suffer any injustices in the Vargr realm. He was still an angel, damn it. He could still help people. “I understand. I wish no harm to befall The Chosen One. I have grown…fond…of him,” he sa
id, full of longing.

  Agent Jagger’s eyes sparkled. “I bet,” he gruffed, eyeing Nathaniel’s naked body up and down. While the angel was attractive, he wasn’t Agent Jagger’s type: Agent Jagger was all man, and he preferred his partners to match. Bears, jocks and muscle daddies were more his type. “Sorry I don’t have any clothes for you.” He winked.

  Heat spread to Nathaniel’s cheeks. He covered his crotch with his hands. “My ancestors didn’t wear clothes,” he rationalized. “I’ll manage.” He pivoted around and headed deeper into the woods.

  Agent Jagger stared at the angel’s round ass as it receded into the woods, secretly wishing that he was attracted to men like Nathaniel. Once Nathaniel was gone, he retreated into the woods, covering his tracks. In a few minutes, no one would be able to tell that Agent Jagger had ever been there.


  Prince Cody leaned back in his throne and put his hands behind his head. Now this was the life. After putting in long, arduous hours of keeping up appearances and ruling over citizens he didn’t particularly care for, his reward was finally here. “Come out when you’re ready.” He had given the tribute—Blaine Carver, Prince Cody learned his name was—some clothes and was eager to see his new toy wear them.

  Blaine entered the nearby woods to change. Prince Cody found it cute that Blaine wanted to preserve his privacy while changing—especially since that was impossible in Eden, where everything was outdoors—when it wouldn’t matter soon anyway. Once Blaine was fully broken in to being a tribute, he wouldn’t need his precious privacy. He’d want to be around Prince Cody all the time, regardless of whether he was clothed. But Blaine insisted on doing things the old-fashioned way until that time came.

  Blaine was grateful to not be naked in front of the weird man. He eagerly slipped on the outfit, but frowned upon seeing the end result. The clothes that Prince Cody had given him were nothing but a thin line of cloth—spandex, rather—between him and the night air. He looked down and saw every single ripple of his muscles through the flimsy material. He was particularly embarrassed that anyone could clearly see his cock and balls straining against the fabric. Blaine wondered if the fabric was strong enough to survive him getting a stiffy or if it would tear like paper. He twisted his body so he could look at his rear. He recoiled in horror as he spotted his butt cheeks, not so proudly on display. He put a hand over his face in dismay: the psycho had actually given him a skintight one piece outfit with assless chaps. Just how was he The Chosen One again?

  With extreme trepidation, Blaine made his way out of the woods. He would have preferred to stay secluded, but he had the feeling that the psycho would have come looking for him eventually, and probably would have punished him for his insolence. Blaine couldn’t believe that he was getting hard as he wondered what the psycho’s punishments were like. He slowly made his way towards Prince Cody’s throne and sheepishly looked at the other man.

  Prince Cody knew he struck gold. While the business suit was nice, he loved the way Blaine looked in this ensemble. Every muscle was on display and he could see the bulge in his crotch easily. He held a finger up and twirled it around in a circle. “Could you turn around?”

  Blaine slowly moved around in a circle, humiliation spreading through him. “Now stop,” the other man said as soon as his ass was facing him.

  “Oh my!” Prince Cody exhaled. He hopped off his throne and inched closer to Blaine. He pawed one of Blaine’s butt cheeks greedily. He pressed his chest against Blaine’s back and Blaine could feel the other man’s dick in the cleft of his ass. Prince Cody whispered in Blaine’s ear. “I assume you are still a virgin?”

  Blaine gulped. Why was the man asking this question so soon? He hoped he wouldn’t try to have sex with him before getting to know him. If they got to know each other first, then there was a chance Blaine could at least enjoy it, but if the man tried something too soon—Blaine shivered at the thought. “No.”

  “Shoot,” Prince Cody pouted. “No matter. You’ll still do.” Prince Cody turned Blaine around so they were face to face. Blaine took a good look at the other man. They appeared to be about the same age and the man’s gelled hair, blemish-free face, and physique reminded him of some of the models from his realm. The red eyes made him rather exotic. He supposed he was attractive enough.

  “You know my name,” Blaine started, “but I don’t know yours?”

  Price Cody’s demeanor changed as he tried to remember if he’d introduced himself. “I am Prince Cody of the Vargr realm. You have been offered to me as a tribute. Put simply? You are mine to do with as I please.” A playful grin appeared on Prince Cody’s face. “And that means that anything goes.”

  Dread spread throughout Blaine as his fears that he was nothing but a sexual plaything for Prince Cody were confirmed. He was about to speak when Prince Cody interrupted. “I’m hungry. Are you hungry?”

  Blaine’s stomach suddenly rumbled. While he had eaten those animals a few hours ago, it seemed like a lifetime ago. Perhaps traveling through that weird portal made him even hungrier. “I could eat,” he said, hand over his stomach.

  Prince Cody clapped twice, and a moment later, Agent Jagger appeared by Prince Cody’s throne. “Sir?”

  “Prepare a feast for me and Blaine.” Prince Cody patted Blaine on the back. “In celebration of our first night together, we are going to eat like kings!”

  “Don’t you mean queens?” Blaine winked.

  Price Cody guffawed. “I think you and I are going to get along together just fine!”

  Agent Jagger smirked underneath his helmet as he laid eyes on Blaine. The boy was still alive and Prince Cody was treating him fairly. Good. With any luck, his part of the mission would be over fairly soon.


  Nathaniel ran from tree to tree, hiding as he reached each one. He gazed longingly up at the starry night sky, wishing he could spread his wings and canvas the area that way. But with Prince Cody’s forces around, he would surely be spotted. He didn’t want to think about what would happen if Prince Cody thought his tribute was in danger—he’d probably wage a full-scale war to search for the perpetrator while sipping margaritas and dancing with go-go boys.

  Nathaniel sighed wistfully, wishing he was given that life instead of this one. But being an angel wasn’t so bad—he wouldn’t have met Blaine otherwise, and, he supposed, he still would be on his long, reluctant, no-sex streak. But damn, it would be easier if he could fly.

  Maybe, he thought, he could climb to the three’s branches and use his wings to glide from tree to tree. That could be a suitable plan. He gripped the tree he was hiding behind and was about to launch himself upward when two hands grabbed him around his waist. The hands pulled him off the tree. With the grace of an angel, Nathaniel spun around, fists clenched, ready to fight whoever was attacking him.

  “Oh my God, Nathaniel, it is you!”

  Nathaniel lowered his fists as he laid eyes on the young man standing before him. The man was wearing nothing but a short white sheet tied around his waist. His spiky red hair matched his carefree personality, and his wings were spread to their full length.

  “I thought we’d never see you again,” he said. He suddenly covered his mouth, realizing the faux pas he committed. “Sorry, I didn’t mean…”

  Nathaniel shook his head. “It’s okay, Damien.” He’d pushed those memories into the deep recesses of his mind. Damien’s slip-up wouldn’t bring those memories back to the surface. Nathaniel crossed his arms, suspicious of the young angel’s presence. “What are you doing here?”

  Beads of sweat formed on Damien’s forehead. “No one told you?”

  Nathaniel narrowed his eyes. “No one told me what?”

  Damien backed up nervously until his back hit a tree and couldn’t move any farther. “I don’t think I should be the one to tell you this.”

  Nathaniel’s patience was wearing thin. He walked right up into Damien’s face so they were only inches apart. The musty odor o
f Damien’s sweat assaulted his senses. He punched the bark near Damien’s head, hoping the scare tactic would elicit an answer. “Damien, what did nobody tell me?”

  Damien opened his mouth and started babbling nervously.


  Prince Cody and Blaine sat at a cozy table, eating. There were two candles in the center of the table and Cody’s attentive servant poured them glasses of wine. The moon shone brightly in the sky, providing extra ambiance. The surrounding greenery brightened up the dark night even more. When Prince Cody said they were going to have a feast, Blaine imagined them sitting at one of those large tables with a sizable gap between them. He definitely didn’t imagine an intimate setting such as this. Maybe he’d judged Prince Cody too early. Blaine took some bread and spread some butter on his piece. After he took a few bites, he realized just how hungry he really was.

  “You may want to slow down there,” Prince Cody cautioned, tipping his wine glass to his new companion. “There is plenty more to come.” Prince Cody dunked his bread into his wine glass and devoured the bread in two bites. He reached across the table and placed his hand on top of Blaine’s. “Besides, I think this will be the perfect opportunity for us to get to know each other better.”

  Blaine’s first instinct was to recoil from the other man’s touch, but he had to admit, Prince Cody’s warm skin on his was extremely welcome. After finishing his piece of bread, he raised his wine glass in the air and clinked it against the Prince’s. “To getting to know each other better.” As their glasses separated, they both took a sip. Their side salads were next. Blaine looked down at his plate and was surprised to see a nice arrangement of lettuce, cheese, croutons and Thousand Island dressing. He stabbed his plate with his fork, but before taking a bite, he decided to take Prince Cody up on his suggestion for getting to know each other better. “So how old are you?”